
REFLECTION: one of my partnered housemates recently took me aside and asked, in a conspiratorial fashion, what does it mean when u have the best sex u ever have had? . . . i didn't know exactly how to answer his question (what am i, the house sex guru?), although i almost have given up believing that extraordinary sex signifies anything other than great chemistry in the right place at the right time . . . how many times have u had it? he persisted . . . let me check my date book on that one and i'll get back to u (call me crazy but i mark an "X" whenever i have sex--just like i mark an "S" whenever i swim or an "R" whenever i run--and if the sex is exceptional i add an exclamation point! . . . maybe my hardwiring isn't so different from those couch jocks obsessed with sports statistics, except for the degree of narcissism) . . . i did recognize my housemate's confusion however . . . doesn't it MEAN something when u connect with somebody on a completely physical level? . . . not long ago, i crossed paths with a guy wearing Burberry bathing trunks in the Meatrack and within minutes we were having exclamation point sex in my book . . . can we repeat this if we see each other again or is it better played back in my mind as a masturbatory fantasy when i'm 65? . . . i fear the exclamation points will become indistinguishable . . . less truly can be more which leads me to my theory of why gay marriage is like chasing rainbows.


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