here we go . . . spotting HapaGoalie while cruising an M4MNYC chatroom on AOL led me to this new place . . . as soon as i visited his blog (which reminds me of the work of David Wojnarowicz), like most baby boomers i said "i want one of those, too!" . . . voluntary unemployment will give me the time to maintain my very own blog, plus i have more than 20 years of navel gazing experience in keeping a handwritten journal that usually amuses my friends whenever i read aloud from it . . . so begins this picaresque tale of an aging homo in Manhattan and Fire Island Pines . . . my only fear now is that the Blog will kill the Journal, sort of like Video Killed the Radio Star (if i really knew what i was doing, you'd be able to play that great Buggles tune NOW).
the picaresque adventures of an unemployed gay sex addict in Manhattan and Fire Island Pines
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